Tag: technology

APPG for Education hosts third inquiry roundtable

On 22nd November 2016, the APPG for Education hosted the third and final discussion in a series of roundtable events as part of its inquiry in to how well British schools are preparing young people for their future careers. The roundtable focused on what is required to increase the uptake of Science, Technology, Engineering and …

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Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology event

The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology event, Examining Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths Education for Ages 14-19, has been scheduled to coincide with the publication of two POSTnotes on science education, one on Informal STEM Education and the other on STEM Education 14-19. The seminar will feature keynote speeches from a number of leading …

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Parliamentarians hold inquiry into literacy policy and practice

The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Education is holding an inquiry into how to overcome barriers to literacy and ensure every child can access the curriculum. Fabian Hamilton MP, Chairman of the APPG for Education, commented that, “Literacy and numeracy standards have a profound impact on a child’s future well-being and on the contribution that …

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